Move It

July 5, 2024 Wind: from S 3.0 m/sec (7 mph) Air Temperature: 25.4 °C (78 °F) Water Temperature: 22.19 °C (72 °F) Hot Day, Cool Water Today at the lake it was hot, sunny, and crowded. By the time we arrived at the park the crowds had thinned enough that we found a parking spot, but there were still lots of people enjoying the holiday weekend.  I sat down on the beach to put on my water shoes just around the time a mother duck and her babies waddled up on the grass. The ducklings have grown so much. They

Get Free

June 29 2024, Saturday Wind: from S 3.2 m/sec (7 mph); Air Temperature: 19.6 °C (67 °F); Water Temperature: 19.01 °C (66 °F) Today at the lake it was overcast and trying to drizzle. The water was fairly flat thanks to the lake of boaters. There were two little kids playing in the shallow water at the north end of the beach.  There was a mother duck and her little babies curled up on the beach, taking a late nap. I didn’t get a phot because I’d already stashed my phone in my bag.  My friend C came with me

Placeholder Walk Instead of Whining From the Couch

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2022-Cool, hazy, the moon is out. Today at the lake…I didn’t go to the lake. I’ve been on the couch for a few days with bad allergies or maybe a cold. Sniffly, sneezy, and extra tired. Seemed smarter to go for a short walk than haul myself and all my gear to the lake.  I think my respiratory system is all in a huff over the seasons changing. It’s still warm, but I can feel things shifting. The air is different. The sky is different. The cold over air is moving in, and pretty soon it will

Getting Out is Worse

Today at the lake….I learned that getting out of the water after my swim is harder and way more unpleasant than getting in the water. Today I had two people with me, a swim buddy, and a guy who arrived at the same time. I suggested we all go in together so we wouldn’t back out. My buddy had all the gear: wetsuit, neoprene cap, booties, and gloves. I had two swim caps, my FiveFingers shoes, which somehow keep my feet warm, and my ridiculous waterproof running gloves. They guy just had shorts on. It’s brutal walking in because it’s

A New Lake

On vacay at a secret lakeside location. I’ve never seen such clean, pure water. Even when it’s 6′ deep, I can see the sand. The water is often so calm that it looks flat. It is perfect for swimming. Nothing on the lake bottom but sand, rocks, some random green lake plants. Lakeweed? It is totally different swimming in a lake, especially such a clean lake. With my goggles I can see everything, like in the pool, but the lake is endless so I can swim fast or slowly. I can float on my back and feel the sun warm

Choppy Water

Am I gonna get sick from all the water I’ve been swallowing. Have not figured out how to swim with the waves and movement of the lake water. And then boats go by, and the water gets all messy again. [mc4wp_form id=”931″]