Poetry Swim Club

Today in the lake, it was cold when I got to tit-level, but I dove in and started swimming anyway. “Cause that’s the kind of woman I am.” I warmed up very quickly. 

I saw a couple small schools of fish….about 6″ long. Are they the 4-5″ fish from a couple weeks ago? If they are still growing they seem kind of screwed since fall and winter will be here quickly. 

I met up with C. We met on Nextdoor this summer, both hoping to get into the swim-in-the-lake habit. And now we are friends. I’m sad that she’s moving in a few weeks, but we have at least a few outings left. Sometimes her sister will meet me (she only floats in the donut) and bring her friend, I, with whom I could commit many hilarious crimes. Once C’s sister brought her bf, B, who was the first to sign up for my Poetry Swim Club. Nice guy. A gentleman.

So, I’m pretty happy to have figured out how to get swimming buddies so far. There is another swim group that has a texting situation. Women in it seem more about coming once a week, so not sure I will find regular swim dates. 

I swim with a floatable knife now because I’m really scared of the tall seaweed in the deep water. I saw a kid get tangled in it and DIE when I was a kid (different lake, in WI), so it freaks me out. And I’m curious. So I mostly swim back and forth parallel to the shore, in water about neck deep. But sometimes I just head straight out there. It’s darker, the seaweed looks more menacing, and it’s where the HUGE fish swim. I saw one the other day. Scary. It is kind of silly that it scares me, but that’s why I force myself to the deeper water every so often. 

Today Mt Rainier was out, and I could see other mountains in the Cascades. Once I got into the water I could also see the hot air balloons that we often see NE of where we are….they must be at least an hour or more away. I will find out. Or not. See Less

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