
Today at the lake it was sunny and warm. Lots of picnics in the shelter areas, and others walking in the park.

I met with a new swim buddy today, and I was so relieved to meet her. I put in so much effort trying to find swim partners, and I was going to give up and join a pool the other night. then I started looking around at pools and clubs — and the waitlists are even closed. This is a swimming town. Lots of people turning to the sound and to the lake because of Covid….

Anyway, it was really nice to have someone else there. I got that sunbeam back today, although it was much looser and less like a kaliedescope (sp?). That’s ok. I like feeling like I’m swimming through a tunnel of sunbeams. even better, all the weeds and rocks are illuminated so I can see where I’m going.

My partner taught me about “siting,” looking up every so often so I can have a bit more of an idea of where I’m going. I think every time I go I learn something else. Gear to get, a technique or practice to add.

Today I noticed there are metal bars hanging from the bottom of the cement deck in the deep end. The deck is covered in bird shit, but there are these bars. So I practiced “walking” myself up and down the length of the dock using the bars. Like Tarzan style. Then I tried some pull-ups, but my feet and legs kept floating up in front of me. Whatever. Gonna try to remember to do some water-assisted pull-ups every time I go.

We swam for 30 min, a record for me. The thing about the lake is I just want to move. I don’t care about speed or time or distance. I have that runner brain that wants to track and chart it all, but more than that I just want the experience of being in the water with an empty head, calm body, checking out fish and weeds.

No wetsuit yet, but I need one. It’s pretty darn cold. Wearing my waterproof running gloves and FiveFingers shoes really helps…my hands even get too warm. I stay cold the entire time now, in a way, but I also adapt and forget about the cold. Ultimately, it’s refreshing and just not an issue. Eager to get a neoprene cap cause I think that will help. I don’t like the burn on my face or the deeper cold feeling on the back of my neck. But the feelings go away. One day I swam I felt like I was going through warm and cold patches in the water. Have no idea what causes that. Another time I was acclimating but one spot on my butt felt really cold. then it went away. I would think my butt would have enough insulation!

The water was nice and flat until some boats came through, then the waves kicked up. I would like a boat, but I don’t want to have a truck. Plus, I’d rather be IN the water. No Mr. Big today, but saw some schools of tiny fish. Whatevs.

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