We Share This Space With the Ducks

My job at the lake is to stop little boys from tormenting the ducks. They throw rocks at them, they chase them, and today a little boy was whacking the water with a huge stick. I didn’t know if he wasn’t able to hit them or was just trying to hit the water near them. Of course, no parents arounds. This kids is maybe 7? I say, “hey, don’t do that. you’re scaring them.” he said, “ok.” I said, “thank you.”

WTF….why is Seattle so nancypants that nobody will stand up for the ducks? Today when I was swimming, there were only a few people in the swim area. I swam two feet away from a duck who was not at all afraid of me.

Floating and a Festival/Fiesta

I wasn’t feeling well, so I did a lot of floating, which is really something we, the humans, should do every day.

There was a huge festival of some type at the park. A stage with speakers and music. I could here “Viva Columbia” every few minutes. Then “tenemos something something.” Then some vivas for Honduras, Mexico, and others. Then music. Then “revolution.” More music.

It was sort of awesome to float alone, hear the festival, know that the ducks were safe for awhile. On shore I showered and was getting dressed on my towel, and this couple on the towel next to mine (really there were only a handful of people at the beach) was earnestly discussing Merlin. I was like, “dudes, take off your clothes and get in the water. And leave the ducks alone!”

p.s. F U to the Tesla SUV owner who parked in the hashed area in between two disabled parking spots. The area is not a parking spot, and it’s not for you. I’m bringing a notebook next time so I can leave him a note. And if he keeps doing it, I’m keying his car.

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